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We thank the Visegrad Fund for supporting our project of long-term and systematic support of people in need from Ukraine.

We will use the money to buy food regularly and support the humanitarian fundraiser, which we organize in cooperation with local volunteers, associations, and the City of Čadca in the Pratex Municipal Sports Hall. It also gives us the opportunity to support Slovak lessons for refugies.

In order to mitigate the effects of the war on the people of Ukraine, the Visegrad Fund supported 72 organizations from the Visegrad Four countries and Ukraine with a total amount of € 1 million.
The special grant call Visegrad 4 Ukraine was announced on 17 March 2022 in order to strengthen the capacity of local governments, public institutions, and civil society organizations.

Thanks to the Visegrad 4 Ukraine, the organizations supported will provide the necessary assistance in the field of health and social services in the short and medium-term and alleviate the potential tensions between refugees and the local population resulting from the lack of information and language barriers. and social and economic disparities.

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