🎖 Our Olympic Sports Camp was awesome! Even with the rain, we had a great time with our kids :) Each day was themed by different Olympic continent. Avuzwa, Burcu, Camila, Keti and Paul took part with our coordinator Lenka Hrušková!

🥎 During Europe day we started with some warmups, name games, painting, and walking with the flags.

🏀 During Africa day, we learned Jerusalema dance, created medals, and took part in teambuilding games.

⚽️ On Latin America day, we went hiking to Raková, made a picnic on the way, and explore our creativity with wild funny animals.

🏐 During Asia day, we went to the sports hall in Čadca and met the incredible 🥋 Karate Team who taught us some movements, and a better understanding of this martial art.

🏉 Finally, in Oceania day we had Mission Impossible, a challenge game where we had to complete different tasks after which we made a sport circuit. We finished with the open ceremony, giving everyone a certificate for taking part in these amazing activities!

🎆We are so proud of our kids and the whole event! Their schools can start now :)


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