18/11/2019: Yeeey, our very first "Europe And Me" - event took place in KERIC. It was organized and held by Thibault and Jorge, our volunteers. With all our participants - our volunteers, mentors, supervisors, and more - we had a good discussion and a great exchange of opinions about Europe.

20/01/2020: On that day we organised the second part of "Europe And Me". This time Thibault and Jorge explained how the electing process is working. In order to include all our participants into the learning process we played a game. Here, we had to convince the others to elect us in the parliament. We had a lot of fun!

02/03/2020: The question "Is the European Union still profitable for it's countries?" formed the topic of our 3rd "Europe And Me"-event. After a quick introduction we had a discussion about the pros and the cons of the EU. The time passed by and we found ourselves in a discourse about fascism, populism and nationalism. Even after the official end of that event participants stayed longer to talk about eg. the difference from fascism and communism.


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