Between potions, spells, Reading in the future, and learn how to fly on a broom, the Schedule of the students was really full.

After all this lesson, we all went to play Quiddich. And the winner of the tournament was Ravenclaw !

Then, McGonagall was waiting for us in the dinner room with a lot of magic food. Everything was going well, when suddenly, the room was in a deep dark and we heard strange noise coming from doors and windows. Voldemort was back and it was our task to destroy him. But before, we had to go to the forest to find and broke the horcruxes. It was a little bit scary, but we all manage to find the snake, the mermaid or the werewolf by listening the sounds of the forest.

We all finished to meet in one point, were we knew that we will catch Voldemort thanks to the spells that we learned before.

And After so many emotions (destroyed a guy like him is not so easy), we went back to the castle to see some movie, play card of speak with or friend, and slowly fall asleep for a night full of dreams.





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